18. Winter Gasshuku

18. Winter Gasshuku

18. Winter Gasshuku

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Zmena Piatkový tréning: Nové miesto bude Ovsištské námestie 1, 851 04 Bratislava, v telocvični tanečnej školy Poďme tancovať, Vedla budovy je parkovisko.
Tu je video, ako sa dostanete do Dojo:
Čas ostáva ten istý, 19:00 – 20:30

Change Friday training: New place is Ovsištské námestie 1, 851 04 Bratislava (Osvistske Square), in the gym of dancing school Let´s Dance (Podme tancovat), Next to the building is parking place
Here is the video how to get to the Dojo:
Time stays the same, 19:00 – 20:30

Radi by sme Vás už po 18ty krát pozvali na každoročné Zimné Gasshuku TOGKF pod vedením Senseia Raoula Vogela (7. Dan TOGKF, šéf inštruktor TOGKF Austria), Senseia Ilony Szőcs (5. Dan TOGKF), Senseia Michala Macák (5. Dan TOGKF) a Senseia Igora Vakoša (5. Dan, šéf inštruktor TOGKF Slovensko).
Pridajte sa medzi nás na tréningu tradičného Okinawa Goju Ryu!

For 18th time we would like to invite you on annual Witner Gasshuku of TOGKF led by Sensei Raoul Vogel (7. Dan TOGKF, Chief Instructor TOGKF Austria), Sensei Ilona Szőcs (5. Dan TOGKF), Sensei Michal Macák (5. Dan TOGKF) and Sensei Igor Vakos (5. Dan TOGKF, Chief Instructor of TOGKF Slovakia).
Come and join us on training of traditional Okinawa Goju Ryu!

To register for this event please visit the following URL: https://forms.gle/J1uv9Jri9umBQ5NBA →


Date And Time

01-12-2023 to


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